Sustainability Management

It’s a matter of treatment – embracing responsibility for a tomorrow worth living in! 

As a family-owned company, Croma-Pharma pursued a sustainability-focused corporate policy long before ESG became established in the corporate world. With this self-image of responsible entrepreneurship, Croma can utilise the full potential of sustainable corporate management. Because we stand for treating people and our environment with care. 

This clear commitment to sustainability is also reflected in a dedicated sustainability department and the linking of sustainability management with an integrated management system. The publication of relevant, sustainability-specific information and key figures is planned for 2024. 

Sustainability strategy 

To develop the strategy, Croma's key topics were analysed using the double materiality analysis, taking into account the entire value chain, and then placed in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis showed that Croma can make the greatest contribution to 10 of the 17 sustainability goals. Detailed information on our division-specific goals and strategies as well as measures already implemented can be found in the following overview. 


Sustainability Report 2023

Download: Croma Sustainability Report 2023

Decarbonisation Strategy

Download: Decarbonisation Strategy

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