Sustainability Management

“It’s a matter of treatment – embracing responsibility for a tomorrow worth living in”

Our sustainability-specific guiding principle is reflected in our commitment to a responsible approach to the environment, social issues and ethical corporate governance. As a family business, Croma was committed to a sustainable corporate policy long before ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) became established in the corporate world. This deep-rooted understanding of responsible entrepreneurship enables Croma to realise the full potential of sustainable corporate management.

With the help of our specially developed sustainability strategy, we can anchor and improve our sustainability activities in the long term. From 2024, we will communicate relevant, sustainability-specific information and ESG key figures as well as progress towards our sustainability goals via the annual Sustainability Report.

Sustainability measures

For the development of measures, Croma's key topics were analysed using a double materiality analysis, taking into account the entire value chain, and then set in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis showed that Croma can make the greatest contribution to 10 of the 17 sustainability goals. Our division-specific goals and milestones as well as measures already implemented are listed in the following overview.

Sustainability Report 2023

Download: Croma Sustainability Report 2023

Decarbonisation Strategy

Download: Decarbonisation Strategy

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